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Rovolution for Roblox Communities of any size!

Build a better engagement with you community with powerful tooling, to create professional looking groups. We specialize in everything from verification bots to Roblox in-game analytics and authenticated forms!
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Scroll down to view Rovolution Products!

Below you can see an overview of what Rovolution has to offer, you can also get access to the correct documentation and support for each product. We will update this page with all new products when they get released.
Rovolution Verification Bot
Free and Premium Plans
Rovolution Verification bot has a free to use tier which supports most features, including unlimited servers, up to 200 rolebinds, ranking bot integrated. By purchasing premium you get to use a faster server and update all users!
Ranking Bot Integrated
We even include a ranking bot with audit logs to help you get a better insight into your community, with premium you can customize the ranking permission roles!
Nickname Bindings
Make users nicknames change depending on their rank in groups, using our power nickname engine to integrate options like account age, display name, username and account id!
Simple Web Interface
We have a simple to use web interface which allows you to setup an entire server without ever touching discord, and we have a single command setup for new users!
Rovolution Logistics
Free and Premium Plans
Rovolution logistics provides all the core features for free, we offer an extra 24 projects for paid users (any premium plan), we also lower the transaction fee for shopfront (launching late 2022)!
In-Game Ranking Bot
We provide a system to allow game developers to promote/demote/exile/acceptJoin/denyJoin/setRank, in game with our simple to use SDK, it goes around the roblox firewall and has a simple to use code base!
Authenticated Forms
Created simple quick forms, that require authentication from discord and roblox, you also get Audit logs, webhooks, password protection and more all for free!
Event Logger
We have an event logger to help larger communities manage events and trainings, it shows the most active users and who attends the most events and what events, even has a weekly round up in your discord server (premium only)!

Why should you use Rovolution!

With a vast and quickly growing ecosystem of community based tools, we have something for every use case and need and we are always open to new suggestions! If you are still not convinced, keep scrolling to see what makes Rovolution Special!